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Edited Extract of Volumeone 


Kristina Chan


Travelling through the transparent doors of the infinite, I found myself at the main intersection. Time to choose. Left or right? Not knowing which way to go, I chose to go left. After a few minutes of walking, I realised I had taken the correct route when I arrived at a sign reading Volumeone.


Through Volumeone’s open gate, the creature near the centre caught my eye. It looked delicate and inviting, yet it was faceless and emotionless. I approached it without fear as it looked gentle and friendly, but it wasn’t until I walked closer, I found the creature was extraordinary. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The oriental feeling that this creature gave was overwhelming. I suddenly feel like drinking some Chinese tea. I wondered if this creature would be discriminated against in reality, with the traditional Chinese patterns on its face. Maybe that is why it doesn’t have any distinctive features on its face, so that people can’t distinguish its nationality?


This realm is filled with extraordinary things. There are floating candles in various shapes and sizes in the middle, a group of laughing clowns on the side of the pathway and clicking sounds made by the rotations of many little doors. Speaking of the little doors, I stood there and observed them for more than five minutes. It was very amusing: as the doors flipped, the colour of the door panel changed. The entire field of little doors was reflecting what the real world was like. Everything was constantly changing. I thought it was a collection of small portals for insects to travel between different realms. However, the longer I stood there, the more I focused on what the insects were doing. They went into the different doors with food and came out empty handed. It wasn’t until I used my phone and zoomed in to look closer that I realised it said “Insect Bank” on the very top in bug sized writing. Was this is a place for insects to save their food? I wondered if they got interest like when we put money in our bank? So many unanswered questions…

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